Monday 15 August 2011

words from the wind

From religion to politics, terrorism to corruption, I have written on nearly every subject that touches our lives .But, a friend of mine has been nagging me for the past 1 week to write about “love”. so ,here it goes :)
Loneliness comes in so many forms, sometimes we find company in a book, sometimes in another person, but it may not work altogether. There is a need for a person (of the opposite sex) who would make us feel complete in the most isolated situations.
”Love”, it comes to change your world and leaves, like it never existed. Some end up paying a heavy price for being in that’ dreamland for so long,” gods bless them”.
Love does exist, nothing else really matters in this world. Look at the flowers, nature, animals and most importantly human-beings around you and can find love and happiness in them. If you can’t then you are probably Far worse than dead.
For the one who loves, every moment is enjoyable, every breath is joy and inner peace follows.
I have done a lot of silly things in my life, silly enough that I can’t quote anything here (lol), but I have no regrets and, I am content with everything I have done.
I am not together with the love of my life,but I have learned to live with that ,the hard way.I have prayed to my god (hers too),asking him to bring us together. But, I have also folded my hands in front of him to help me get rid of the love I felt, because it caused me a lot of grief. And you know what? Nothing happened…. :) it was time to let go for me, and I did…….. I think that many things that don’t happen the way we want them to, will turn out to be blessing in disguise.
A no of times, us asking for love, or a person to approach us as you put it, wouldn’t really work, and asking for “love” which I sometimes find myself doing is a foolish thing to do. If there is love you can’t stop it, and if it isn’t there you cannot force it. Always remember, you don’t own other person feelings.
My dear friends, I ask you to forgive the person who cannot love you. , it is not their fault, neither is it yours. Share Love with everyone you meet. There are loads of people in this world who are craving for it. Who knows someday, somewhere you might find your true love.

Pray to be born again,
To talk to the shining stars
To smell the beautiful roses
To see the unseen places
And to experience the un-expected
Soar high in the skies, there are no boundaries
Alone I sail this journey with content
With happiness and joy for ever….

Bury hatred,love all,love nature

Signing off

Ps: I am not a philosopher, just shared my views and experience